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Friday, August 16, 2013

Wheatgrass Supplement: 7 Ways To Enjoy It

Wheatgrass Supplement: 7 Ways To Enjoy It

Wheatgrass juice is an noted source of live powerful enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and chlorophyll that will help bring vitality to your life. It has been researched by scientists and nutritionists for decades, and the benefits associated with wheatgrass juice are enough to make anyone take regard. Adding a wheatgrass supplement to your daily routine is an easy way to improve your health with weight loss, a natural energy boost, lower blood pressure, better digestion and more.
Most nutritional experts okay that fresh organic wheatgrass juice is fitter, but most people plainly do not have enough time to grow their own organic wheatgrass plants at home. Wheatgrass juicers can be invaluable, and the process of harvesting therefrom juicing the plants is also immensely time - consuming. An organic wheatgrass supplement is an ideal alternative.
It’s often recommended that wheatgrass juice and wheatgrass supplements be finished on an empty paunch, but wheatgrass juice at any time is better than leaping it. There are many different ways to enjoy your wheatgrass supplement, 7 of which are listed below.
7 Ways to Enjoy Your Wheatgrass Supplement
1. Mix your wheatgrass supplement with water. Some people enjoy the taste of fresh wheatgrass juice. You can easily make your own wheatgrass shot with your wheatgrass supplement.
2. Take your wheatgrass juice supplement in capsule form. Freeze - dried wheatgrass juice powder is also available in capsule form that you can swallow with a glass of water, scrupulous like any other pill.
3. Mix your wheatgrass supplement with juice. Adding your wheatgrass supplement to fruit or vegetable juice instead of water gives it a slightly sweeter taste.
4. Add your wheatgrass supplement to a smoothie. Wheatgrass smoothies are popular at gyms and smoothie bars. You can have the equivalent reaction at home by tossing your wheatgrass supplement into your blender as you make a smoothie.
5. Add your wheatgrass supplement to applesauce. Mixing a wheatgrass supplement with applesauce is an easy way to let young children enjoy benefits of wheatgrass juice.
6. Sprinkle your wheatgrass supplement on salad. Some people choose to sprinkle their wheatgrass supplement on top of their favorite salad or even mingle it in with their salad sauce.
7. Any your wheatgrass supplement to any other cold food of your choice. If you would like to combine your wheatgrass supplement with a food or beverage, be sure to choose foods that are cold. Heat can kill the heat - sensitive vitamins and live enzymes found in wheatgrass juice, reducing its potency and benefits.

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