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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cure Hyper Acidity With Herbal Remedies Without Any Side Effects

Cure Hyper Acidity With Herbal Remedies Without Any Side Effects


Acidity is related to heart burn and gas formation in belly. In acidity, there is a movement of gastric juices from the belly into the lower esophagus ( food cylinder ). This condition mainly arises when acidic lading in abdomen ( hydrochloric acid ) variation upward into the esophagus and manufacture it fruitless. Also known as pyrosis or burning or no picnic sensation in the esophagus.

acidity can leads to:

Acidity leads to the sour, operose or burning sensation in the belly and chest region is termed as heartburn. Its other symptoms interject dyspepsia, formation of the ulcers, belching, nausea, and bitter taste in entrance, sensation of vomiting and loss of appetite.

Acidity is the cause of unneeded secretion of acid by the gastric glands of the belly. Our intestines secretes an acid, which is necessary for the digestive process.

This acid, in turn, produces various digestive enzymes, like pepsin, which help in the breaking tangled food particles into elements that can be easily digested by the body. When there secretion of acid is more than necessary, it results in the consciousness of immense heartburn, along with a sensation of inflammation in the throat. This condition is commonly known as acidity.

Causes of acidity

The causes of acidity can be excessive recalescent and drinking alcohol, gastro duodenal ( peptic ) ulcer, hyper secretion of hydrochloric acid, reflux of gastric acid, not eating on time, empty paunch for a gangling time or gambol breakfast, pregnancy, eating fried and spicy food often.


Acidity can be prevented by avoiding the known causative factors like alcohol consumption, spicy foods, drugs like NSAID ' s, steroids etc. Regular eating habits and a healthy diet can prevent acidity.

Avoid drinking water during and soon after meals as this dilutes the gastric juices necessary for digestion and prolongs the process. Eat green and ungrown vegetables.

Try to avoid having delayed meals equitable before bed time. There should always be an week of at introductory two hours between your reach slop and bed time.


Herbal ayurveda supplements made from pure organically meek herbs which are very given to cure vary disease like gastritis, loss of appetite, acidity, indigestion etc..


" Take one cup of abscess water. Add one tablespoon of aniseed ( saunf ) in it and ok trip. Strain the water in the morning; add one tsp of honey in it. Take this remedy 3 - 4 times a day.

" Regular practice of in taking of one to two glass of water, in early morning is healthy habit and helpful in acidity control.

" Excessive acidity can be dispelled by using hot compresses of Chamomile or Lavender ( l0 drops ) in a bowl of water and hence used or add 1 - 2 drops of oils of either of these oils to base oil and since effective over whole abdomen.

" Chew the leaves of Tulsi ( basil plant ) which is helpful in controlling nausea, gas and acidity.

" Take equal portions of spice and coriander to get relief from acidity.
Drink a glass of cold milk for quick relief of heartburn and acidity.

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